Monday 13 September 2010

lovely reception, slightly less lovely weather

The RSS conference social programme got underway this evening with a lovely reception at the Sea Life Centre in Brighton. The centre is a large aquarium with a series of interesting displays of aquatic life, and the venue was open this evening only for participants of the conference. So we had the run of the place, enjoying juice, wine, and hors d'oeuvres, while marveling at the undersea world and reveling in the joy of renewing old acquaintances and making new ones.

Registration began this afternoon, and in typical sharp RSS fashion, it was well organized. I was in and out of registration in under a minute, but spent several very pleasant minutes afterward meeting and greeting RSS staff.

The weather got quite blustery and then rather wet this afternoon. Medium-sized waves crashed loudly against the beach and the Brighton Pier. It is a bit chilly as well, or so it seems to someone coming from the lingering summer weather in the US. Nonetheless, the coast and the town are spectacular, a great setting for the conference.

The scientific programme begins tomorrow with opening remarks from David Hand, RSS President and a plenary talk by Peter Donnelly of Oxford. We’ll all be there Brighton-early (sorry, I have a rather nasty addiction to puns).

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